Quiz 3
After completing the quiz, you will be told whether your answer was correct or incorrect and the number of points you got. You can take the quiz many times, there are no restrictions. The test score is converted to a scale from 0 to 100 points.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), HIV/HCV voluntary testing and counselling must always be voluntary, free from coercion, and part of a comprehensive prevention, care, and treatment program.
Counselling for HIV/HCV testing should include giving advice on how to solve the client's problems and making decisions for them.
Pre-test counselling for HIV/HCV involves a confidential dialogue that helps the client understand the implications of the test result and make an informed choice about taking the test.
During pre-test counselling, the client should be informed that they do not have the right to decline the test once counselling has begun.
Prevention counselling includes assessing an individual's risk for acquiring or transmitting HIV/HCV and developing a personalized plan to reduce these risk behaviors.
Clients must be informed that declining an HIV test will not affect their access to services that do not depend on knowledge of HIV/HCV status.
In nonclinical settings, counselors do not need to determine if clients are competent to provide informed consent for voluntary HIV testing.
Post-test counseling is necessary only for clients who test positive for HIV/HCV.
In pre-test counseling, discussing the client's risk behaviors and the possibility of false negative or positive results is essential.
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